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We are WIFS

The introduction of the binding women's quota is a good step, but WIFS is not satisfied with that. We aim for a 50/50 balance. 

A future where the financial sector is as diverse and inclusive as our society. That is what we at WIFS are committed to. Gender inequality is a cultural and social problem, we are going to tackle it. 

This is our mission, which we have translated into a clear message of just 1 minute and 10 seconds. 
We are WIFS. Watch the video here.

Accelerate 50/50 aftermovie

WIFS and Deloitte collaborate in conducting the 'Accelerate 50/50' research. The aim is to accelerate the balance between men / women in leadership positions within the Dutch Financial sector. Both organisations have committed to this research for three years.

Even though the research projects forward and aims to accelerate, it's also worthwhile to look back at this inspiring, amazing event on International Women's Day 2023 [march 8] where the first research results were launched.

Watch the aftermovie here.

JOIN THE RIPPLE Curious about Accelerate 50/50? Read more here


  • Dive In - live event 25 September 2024

    24 September - 25 September 2024
    Registration open
    Dive In - live event 25 September 2024


  • WIFS welcomes new board chair and vice chair

    Published: 29 May 2024
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  • Nominations for Top 50 Women in Sustainable Finance 2024 launched

    Published: 01 May 2024
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  • Accelerate 50/50: gender equality as a catalyst for sustainable change in the financial sector

    Published: 08 March 2024
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